This should have been up long ago. I'm trying my best to keep my blog up to date as possible but the slight damper is the slow hostel line which makes uploading photos a pain. And I know some of you just scroll through my posts and look at pictures instead of reading, admit it!! LOL!!! So that's why I make the effort to post up photos in my posts.
So yes, I went to the Adam Lambert concert in the Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium. Ben and Yoong went with me and we got into the Digi Zone with the tickets I won from the blog contest. (click here for more details). We arrived slightly later than we planned to but managed to get quite a nice spot with quite a good view of the stage. While walking to the stadium, we passed some PAS demonstrators with signs like "This is not our culture" and so forth. There were also SWAT looking police there for the crowd control. Quite cool yet scary to walk past them.
Fortunately she moved away from us, because other people nearby "pushed" her. And we could enjoy the concert. The concert started late though so there were beach balls released to the crowd to distract us.
But they're necessary at concerts for crowd noise and atmosphere, I guess.
There were two opening acts by a Malay guy (Ikhwan I think) and Malaysian Idol 2, Daniel Lee. And finally, at about 9 p.m., ADAM LAMBERT appeared on stage!!!!
As I had anticipated, I was blown away by Adam Lambert's vocals. He sang most of his popular songs like "For Your Entertainment", "If I Had You", "Whataya Want From Me" and more. He sounds EVEN BETTER live than on recording!!! You know his ability to scream out notes really high and long which happens to be his signature?? Hearing it live was more impressive than hearing it on American Idol. Wow!!!
The crowd energy was not that great however because I suspect that Adam Lambert held back a little due to all the hu-ha that was stirred up over his concert in Malaysia. I mean, he was greeted in Malaysia by protesters stirring a fuss about his sexual orientation and being told to behave himself and so forth. The concert was about displaying his vocal skills and his amazing talent as a performer and international star. I certainly enjoyed myself, and I'm very sure that many who were there that night went back feeling more amazed and more of a hardcore fan of Adam Lambert. :)
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