Wednesday 30 April 2008

Two birthday bashes and a 'sneaky' surprise

Ok,I just got the pictures so now I can report (ehem...update) on the two birthday 'bashes' I've been to in the past two weeks:-
1. Tang Qi Vin's (18/4/2008)
2. Wong Sze Haw's (25/4/2008)

Qi Vin's birthday dinner was a simple dinner at My Point Cafe where about 20 of us occupied the top floor 'private' parlour and ate,talked and made the waiter work OT (who asked them to close at 9:30??). After that we went to Aberdine Cafe (I don't know if I spelled it right) for a nightcap and further chit-chat (yes..silence is boring). Nothing much to highlight because I wasn't in the planning committee for this one. Here's a photo of me painting Qi Vin's nail with the black nail-polish Christina randomly brought along:-

*from his expression,you would have thought I was CHOPPING his fingers... not painting them -____-"

Mr Tang is 19 and about to leave for Aussie to further his studies...I'm gonna 'miss' him.Anyway,right after his celebration,he asked me," bout Sze Haw's birthday??" In my humble opinion,the most logical and labour-saving step we should taken was to arrange a DOUBLE celebration for the both of them since they're only a week apart..but it wouldn't have been as meaningful would it???And the heroine of the next birthday bash was my coussie. Cousin = worth my best effort. Qi Vin's also obliged to that formula;only he can replace the 'cousin' with __________ *wink wink*

Fast forward....
A week later.
The day was cheerful and bright. The sun was shining,people were smiling,the wind was blowing,music was playing...

Okay,okay..I'll stop the sarcasm/exaggeration.

I didn't have college on Sze Haw's birthday so I went swimming in the morning before going to college to 'escort' the birthday girl and a few others to lunch. Not any normal lunch,mind you. About two weeks before,we (Jack-O,me.Sze Haw,Nasiha,Wei Quing) had agreed to treat Sze Haw to Sushi King as her birthday celebration with the college-mates.For your info,this was Sze Haw and my third time in Sushi King in April. The staff there must be so tired of us.Sze Haw,Qi Vin (who Sze Haw had dragged along), Nasiha,Stephanie and I went early to book place since Jack-O and Quing-Quing had class.

The night before,I had given Sze Haw her present (YAY!!I was the first!!!). It was this vintage Coca-Cola T-shirt which she saw online and ended up not buying since the seller wouldn't give her the price she wanted. I had sneakily ordered it and wrapped it up till it was the size of a tiny bundle.I was so pleased because she wore it on her birthday. XD We waited a while for the others to arrive and there were some unexpected arrivals like Emily,Amy,Joash,Venga,Anna and Christina. the more the merrier right?? We took up two tables (even then,we had to squeeze) and I think made a lot of noise (Lively young adults...what to do???) Here's a photo compilation (as usual too lazy to upload so m

After we had finish sushi-ing..Venga started talking about a mad idea:
Originally,he was challenging Sze Haw to eat wasabi against him. But somehow it ended up as a challenge between Joash and ME. The bet was,loser has to settle 50 bucks of the bill.We had to eat a PLATEFUL of wasabi.No kidding.Look at the picture below:-
Joash's plate and my plate.
100% wasabi.

Sze Haw whipped out her camera and recorded the whole thing.Take a look:

Looking was a DUMB thing to do.It ended as a tie and we both hurled our stomachs out after we got home.I had stomach-upset for the rest of the weekend. Serves me right for getting caught up with the momentum. I-AM-STUPID. But great entertainment for the rest huh...??? =.= never mind...

Sze Haw's day of surprises was FAR from over though she didn't know it yet...Qi Vin,Abel,Amy and Jeslyn had roped me in to help them storm her room to give her a surprise. To cut a long story short...I'm so glad everything went off with minor hiccups.I'm so NOT a good actress. Well,it was funny to see Sze Haw's face.*AHAHAHAHAHAH* Here's a picture.

It was such a fun day.
And this post has taken me 3 days to complete.
So much to show and tell.

0 squeaked:

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