Blahh...I have posts pending in my drafts folder (I know...guilty guilty...*lifts hands up in surrender*) and I really should make some effort to NOT procrastinate. By the way my lovely readers, I am currently back in IPOH. There, location disclosed. Nobody panic...I have not disappeared.
I have to put up this random update to save myself...random random random.
Random #1 : Combined Cell Group / Stanley's 21st Birthday!!
Stanley's birthday falls on the 30th of April but since we had CG on Thursday we had a cake for him and candles for him to share (it was a joint celeb).
♪♫Happy Birthday to yoooooou♪♫♪
Make a wish and BLOW!!!
Errr...somehow Stanley's head ended up smoking??Haha!!
It was a pretty fun CG since it was a combined CG consisting of W31 and W51. I'm glad I rushed back from the Nine West launch to join them because I've missed some CG outings (unintentionally) plus since I will be in Ipoh, equals to I won't be see-ing my awesome cell members for quite some time. After the candle blowing we invaded Pelita's second floor (we always do that, because they never have enough space for 20 over people on the bottom floor).
My Maggi Goreng and Fried Chicken
And this is what happens when you eat too many eggs:-
Okay be fair..I don't know what they eat and still stay so gorgeous. ==
Random #2 : Sakae Sushi
This is like the first time this year I set foot into a Sakae Sushi. I tried it ONCE last year with Philemon and I never went back at all the rest of the year (I decided not to waste my time and am better of with Zanmai) but since several people have been convincing me that it has changed for the better, I went again to judge for myself.
I guess the only thing I like about them is their cheap sashimi
This one was quite good since the toasted sesame seeds were fresh
Random #3 : William's
Louisa got her pay-cheque and insisted that she wanted to treat me at William's. (Thank you Louisa!!I promise I'll treat you too when I get my pay-cheques!!). Anyway, Tristan drove the four of us; Louisa, Afnan, Vaitee and I, to William's, which is located near the old Lim Kok Wing building and after some questioning and recommendations from the owner, we put in our orders and waited to see what would come. Pictures for you.
(Quality compromised since we sat outside and I had to use flash in the dark surroundings)
Afnan and Vaitea with the Ribena and Lychee drinks we had:-
Afnan and Vaitea with the Ribena and Lychee drinks we had:-
My Beef, Salami, Black pepper Bacon and Cream Sauce pasta
(It was a monstrousity!!!!)
Vaitea's Chicken Premium
Louisa's Spaghetti Carbonara and Meatballs
Afnan's Cheese-baked Pasta with Spinach Balls
Okay...I couldn't finish my food. Next time I go there...I am definitely sharing my food. One thing though, I won't be going back there in a hurry since the hygiene level of the surroundings are pretty appalling (think road side, dark road side) and the prices are a little shocking (the total bill came up to about RM120, the Beef Arabatia was RM45 and I can't really put a price tag individually..but there you go). I think dining at William's is more of an experience than fantastic food (though the food IS good).
Well..that's all my random randomness for now. draft down and err...few more to go.
Stay with me!!!
7 squeaked:
The maggi goreng & fried chicken looks reall yummy ! Great photos on sushi!
thanks milla.glad u like them. :)
Wow, looks sumptuous! I so miss mamak =( LOL But the pastas were even attractive =)
I'm started to get hungry after looking at these nice food pics... O.O
@Vin Tsen Gan
Hello!!Yup..the pastas were good!!!
Mission accomplished. :)
ok...the foods look really delish! But dont tell me u ate all of them on same day! :-P
LOL!!!ohmywtf...nope. Sorry to disappoint but most of it are my friends' orders which I snapped pictures. xD
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